At the end of 2019, our team released an open-ended survey that solicited the perspectives and experiences of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practitioners, more specifically, the physical, mental, and emotional toll of engaging in this work. The above statements are perspectives from just a few respondents. Many of the experiences shared affirmed the ways in which diversity, advocacy, and social justice work can lead to burnout, health complications, and even death.

We recognize this work is personal. Inasmuch as DEI work has evolved into a profession and “booming” industry, it is important to note that this work is rooted in the quest for civil rights and justice. A quest that is deeply personal—grounded in Black and Brown people’s desire and inherent right to be seen and honored as the full human beings that we are. And while, in some ways, this work has evolved in ways that center profits (or ‘business case’) over humanity and justice, for many of those engaged in and leading this work, it is still deeply personal.  

This lab will explore strategies for managing the emotional, mental, and physical toll of working in diversity, equity, inclusion advocacy and activism spaces. More specifically, this interactive session will:

  • Provide a space for practitioners to affirm and share their stories and perspectives on the impact of this work.
  • Examine and interrogate the language around ‘resilience,’ and its impact on progress towards equity.
  • Offer strategies for managing triggers and the emotional labor of DEI work.
  • Introduce The Physiology of Inclusion™ as a tool to incorporate intentional healthy practices into your DEI practitioner toolkit.

The speakers during this Lab will be Brittany J. Harris, Vice President of Learning and Innovation for The Winters Group; Kevin Carter, Principal Strategist with The Winters Group; and Gigi Carter, founder of My True Self.

Our Virtual Learning Labs (VLLs) are a remote alternative to our in-class learning experiences. VLLs are 60-90 minute live, facilitated sessions that allow learners to participate from any device. Our learning platform utilizes interactive technology to engage participants in polling, chat discussion, and skill-building, on topics that range from foundational to advanced. Participants leave each session with skills that can be applied immediately.

Previous labs include: (recordings and key takeaways available for download)

  • Exploring Race & Trauma During the Age of #BlackLivesMatter (Download)
  • Affirming & Unpacking the #MeToo Movement (Download)
  • Speak Up, Speak Out: Leadership, Courage, and Activism (Download)
  • Healing the Divide: Navigating Political Tensions in the Workplace (Download)
  • Doing ‘The Work’: A Talk on Personal Agency and Corporate Activism (Download)
  • A Decade of DEI: How Far We’ve Come and What Lies Ahead (Download)